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Growth of Babies Age 6-11 Months ..

Age 6-11 months, babies begin to crawl and you have been to watch, most babies at this age have started to move freely like: roll over, playing with hands and feet, began to babble, learn to sit, watching the movements of people and surrounding objects,...
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Growth of Babies Age 4-6 Months ..

At this stage, your baby's growth more amazing and amusing, then from that a mother needs to give the toys that stimulate motor development and coordination. Although many babies have behaved like eating at this age, but do not rush to give it before...
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Growth of Baby (0-3 months)

Infant growth and other one is not the same, so you do not need to compare your baby with others, the baby grows from day to day, month to month and year to year, there was no specific reference to measure the growth of the baby, but it can be proved...
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