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Growth of Babies Age 6-11 Months ..

Age 6-11 months, babies begin to crawl and you have been to watch, most babies at this age have started to move freely like: roll over, playing with hands and feet, began to babble, learn to sit, watching the movements of people and surrounding objects, interested in his own image in the mirror, crawling, when held to stand up straight ..

at this age baby also have started to learn to walk by clinging with furniture and shifted his feet, baby take courage and balance to be moved, needs exercise long time, a baby's first steps at the age of 11 months, but there is also at the age of 15 or 16 months ..

at the time your baby has started walking, you have to condition your home in safety, keep the things that will harm the baby ..

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2 Comments“Growth of Babies Age 6-11 Months ..”
ITCBET.com Website Taruhan Lengkap dan Terpercaya said...
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Mantab.... Salam Kenal Minta Visit Backnya Ya... Terima Kasih " ITCBET.com Website Taruhan Lengkap dan Terpercaya " Korangratis.web.id

Sarah J. said...
pada hari 

I'm so impressed with the growth of babies age 6-11 months. I love how you explained their development and how you were able to watch their progress. I love the growth of babies age 6-11 months so much and I really appreciate the way you explained their development and growth as well. Web Development

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