How to Educate Children Since in the Womb
Is nothing new, that educating children should be started from within the womb, because of some research have been children can respond to whatever happens outside since it is in the womb, such as dark or light, the mother being sad or happy, and the other, then the obligation of the people old to guide and educate children in accordance with the guidance of Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW. among that needs biomedis, affection, stimulation and child in the womb.
Nutrition should be the baby's attention since in the womb because it will affect the intellect after the baby is born later, complete nutrition that will automatically affect the brain development of infants, such as, feed protein, carbohydrate, and met with both mineral.
But, in general, in Indonesia or in developing countries can be said very rarely have a family to prepare the pregnancy. In fact, pregnancy was regarded as a surprise. With different going on in developed countries. This is what tends to be a cause of early why children who are born and not quality, because their parents do not like in all respects ready to maintain their children.
Besides nutrition, the second factor is that attention needs to be love. A mother should receive a pregnancy that, in the sense that the pregnancy really want. Without love, the baby does not grow optimal.
Besides that, there is psychological factors that influence the development of the baby's intellect, that is whether the pregnant women are formally married or marries a bolt. whether there is a commitment between husband and wife. Without the commitment between the two, the pregnancy can be considered to disrupt.
Third factor is the attention of the pregnant women against abortion. He can give a touch of excitement and deliberately to the baby in abortion. Because the emotional contact will occur. If the mother's joy and pleasure, in the blood will release transmitter substances neo-substance feeling happy, so that the baby in abortion will also feel happy. but, when the mother was always depressed, anxiety, and stress, it will release oxygens in the blood that contains the uncomfortable feeling, so the baby does not realize will stimulate nervous also. stimulate themselves more effectively when the pregnancy is in turn the age of six months. For, in the age structure of the network on the baby's brain has started to work.
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