Want to get Pregnant Quickly?
Want to get baby as soon as possible is the expectation of each partner, but sometimes the waiting time is awaited never arrived. A lot of advice from parents, friends, relatives, and others. Remember that they all have a good purpose, so response with the positive. But the fact, the advice that pleases you more often get confused and can eventually make heavy stress.
Here are some simple tips that may be useful for you both (husband & wife) who are still waiting for the baby :
1. Believe that all that happened this week has been arranged by the Almighty
2. Avoid stress, because research shows that stress is evidently aggravate the problem of fertility. It is not easy especially when stress take many pressures, some tips that can help you to reduce stress:
* Respiratory train, such as yoga, meditation
* Always be grateful on any matter, including small things that happen every time
3. Consume healthy food, especially foods that contain many calcium, green vegetables, fruit fruits rich vitamin C, and drink lots of water. Some recent research also showed down tea to help increase fertility.
4. Learn to know the cycle menstruation fertile period (consult with your doctor for best advice)
5. Use of natural law (Law of Attraction).
If you ever watch movies or read the book "The Secret", then all events in nature is the law of nature. One of the natural law is the law of nature. This law also you can apply if you want to get pregnant quickly.
* Pray to the Almighty
* Visualisasikan you desire to get pregnant
* Feel that the pregnancy is going and feel the excitement
* Be grateful on this grace
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